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Research Highlight: Self-Disclosures and Values in the Workplace


In the workplace, having similar or different values inadvertently puts us in a majority or minority situation.

One might imagine that when a person’s values clash with the majority on a team or in the organization, there might be some friction or possible negative impacts.

New research explores the impacts.

A study of 339 full-time workers finds:

  • There is an inverse relationship between engagement and holding dissimilar values from one’s colleagues. That is, someone in a “value minority” position tends to be less engaged in work.

  • The degree of the inverse relationship was lessened when the value minority individuals practiced self-disclosure with everyday life unrelated to work. That is, if the person in the value minority routinely shared non-work aspects of their lives with colleagues, they were also more engaged.

  • There is an inverse relationship between value dissimilarity and feeling respected by one’s colleagues. Self-disclosure also lessened the degree of that inverse relationship.


Values majorities/minorities and self-disclosure are somewhat tricky topics in the workplace.

A good place to start is by noticing and reflecting.

Prompts to consider:

  • To what extent can you identify any majority/minority values prevalent in your team or organization?
  • To what extent do you notice any conflict or harmony as related to the above?
  • To what extent is self-disclosure practiced on your team or in the organization?

Research Citation: Tracy L. Dumas, Sarah P. Doyle, Robert B. Lount. Self-Disclosure and Respect: Understanding the Engagement of Value Minorities. Organization Science, 2023; DOI: 10.1287/orsc.2021.15768

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