a single green succulent with water droplets on it

Change the world with energy to spare.

Advance your purpose-driven leadership career without sacrificing your well-being.

We serve millennial and gen z leaders who have the dual priorities of exceptional modern leadership and a life well-lived.

Learn the mindsets, behaviors, and tools that early and mid-career leaders need for a long career of sustainable impact.

develop and refine executive and leadership skills; cultivate work-life well-being; maintain balanced connection to purpose.

Picture yourself experiencing relaxed control as you fulfill your vision,

positively impacting the world without sacrificing your own well-being.

 'hi, I'm Katie' written in script

I founded Burnout Proof with the mission of empowering conscious leaders to change the world with energy to spare.

You deserve to have both a high-octane career of impact and a life you enjoy.

Katherine M. Sauer, wearing a black suit, seated cross-legged with her shoes kicked off

a mockup of images from the YouTube Playlist


        Check out Modern Leadership Essentials on YouTube.

Change the world with energy to spare.

Be Burnout Proof.

a pinkish white succulent